Used curatively to relieve digestive disorders or improve cardiovascular health, hawthorn has a unique combination of vitamins, minerals and other components. The small red fruits of the plant are also used culinary and decorative.
The most important elements present in hawthorn are represented by B vitamins, folic acid, vitamin C, catechins and other beneficial antioxidants for protecting the body from the effects of free radicals. Here are the benefits of hawthorn!
Relieves chest pain
Angina or chest pain can mean a more serious condition (myocardial infarction), but it can have countless causes. Hawthorn can significantly relieve chest pain, being used for thousands of years in traditional medicine.
Improves cardiovascular health
For the heart, hawthorn can significantly reduce the risk of a cardiovascular event, relieving the feeling of shortness of breath (dyspnea) and chronic fatigue. The important antioxidants in this plant act positively against free radicals that affect the heart.
Stabilizes blood pressure
Hawthorn helps to normalize blood pressure, regardless of whether it is too low or high. Due to the beneficial elements it contains, it is good for both hypertension and hypotension.
It strengthens the immune system
In addition to antioxidants that eliminate toxins from the body, vitamin C from hawthorn helps to increase the activity of white blood cells. They are part of the body’s immune system and help to fight viruses and bacteria, to maintain general health.
It relieves anxiety
In traditional medicine, hawthorn has been used to treat various mental disorders, such as stress, anxiety and even depression. It can improve your mood, even if you don’t suffer from these disorders.
Increases energy level
Hawthorn has the property of dilating the coronary arteries, which allows the circulation of a greater flow of blood through the body. This phenomenon can increase energy levels and agility. When the body receives enough oxygenated blood, cognitive functions are improved, energy levels increase, and metabolism is able to function at an optimal level.
Improves digestion
There are several elements in hawthorn that interact with the intestinal flora to improve digestion, and the fibers contained in it help fight constipation, bloating, cramps or relieve the symptoms of more serious diseases, such as colon cancer or ulcers. In addition to these, hawthorn is also beneficial for eliminating intestinal infections, according to
2024-01-30 15:47:27
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