Russia may be re-equipping its air defense umbrella deep in the rear: mobile internet has been blocked in several areas.
Source: ISWRussian edition”Kommersant“
Details: On January 29, the Russian publication Kommersant reported that the Russian Ministry of Digital Development ordered Russian authorities in the Leningrad, Novgorod and Pskov regions to block 4G Internet communications (LTE) until January 30 so that Russian officials could “set up” a system for combating drones and air defense.
Earlier, the Leningrad, Novgorod and Pskov regions announced disruptions to the 4G Internet (LTE) from January 25 to 30 due to technical settings of the “radio frequency spectrum”. The work was “planned at the federal level.”
Kommersant stated that Russian electronic warfare systems and mobile Internet providers operate on frequencies permitted by Russia’s State Radio Frequency Commission, and a Kommersant source stated that indiscriminate use of electronic warfare could interfere with mobile data transmissions.
ISW notes that it is unclear what impact online operations might have on the repositioning of electronic warfare systems or the deployment of new capabilities and vice versa. It is also possible that Russian forces could test new electronic warfare capabilities and shut down internet services in advance to avoid sudden outages.
Military analysts believe Russian officials may also be restricting internet access to conceal the movement of conventional air defense systems in Russia.
Drone strikes in the Leningrad region on January 18 and 21 indicate that Russian air defenses in northwestern Russia may be misdeployed and are not protecting against drones launched from Ukraine.
At the same time, Kommersant’s source said that temporary Internet outages may be related to the security of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s trip to St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.
2024-01-30 02:38:14
#Mobile #Internet #turned #Russia #setting #air #defense