50 Cent threw away his microphone because he was frustrated by some technical issues that occurred during his show at the Crypto.com arena in Los Angeles. He hit one of the fans present. The woman in question, Bryhana Monegain, was bleeding profusely and had to be taken to hospital. She promptly filed a complaint for assault, but it was initially not converted into a criminal case. Now the court seems to be interfering with the incident.
Monegain – a radio host from LA – believes in court documents that she suffered “serious and permanent injuries”. She was reportedly treated in hospital for a concussion, a cut on her forehead and pain in her left wrist. In addition to general damages, Monegain is demanding reimbursement from 50 Cent for the wages she has lost due to her injuries and the wages she will miss in the future. In addition, she wants the rapper to pay her medical costs, as well as the costs of her lawyers and those of the lawsuit.
2024-01-26 17:13:35
#Cent #sued #fan #hit #microphone