Sunday January 28, Châteauneuf-sur-Loire will host its first book fair. Proposed by Rural Vitality, it will welcome more than 60 authors for meetings and signings.
For the first time in Châteauneuf-sur-Loire, the Vitalité Rurale association is organizing, in close collaboration with the municipality, “Read at Castrum Novum” on Sunday January 28. More than 60 authors are expected at the Espace Florian, avenue Albert Viger, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. All literary worlds will be present during this cultural event. Children’s books, thrillers, historical stories, novels, local books, manga, science fiction, comics, poetry, fantasies and science fiction stories will be presented by their authors. This will be an opportunity to interact with the authors and have their works signed.
Launch of new books. During this first book fair of the year for the Vitalité Rurale association, many authors will present their new products, such as Amélie Sartori, for the publication of her collection of poems entitled “Poèmes insomnieux”, or Jean-Luc Bouland for his collection of short stories “Don’t panic! “.
Bringing culture to rurality – The Vitalité Rurale association aims in particular to allow Culture to be present in our territories. Reading is a strong link in this local culture. Book fairs, more than 30 events in 2024 in Loiret and neighboring departments, are a time for meetings and exchanges between authors and their readers. The association also organizes artistic exhibitions and plans concerts in 2024.
The authors present – Agnès Royer v2r, Ahmed Zaki, Alicia Ranchon, Ambre Aubrun, Anthony Bussonnais, Antoine Bruneau, Aurélie Lesage and Sinope Editions, Bernard Capo, Bernard Henninger, Gilbert Trompas with Corsaire Editions, Caroline Courtin, Christine Bernabeu, Leroux Cédric, Chantal Cadoret, Christine Pezet, Damien Verhée Author, David Kristanveig, Domino Milot, Eric Duval, François Mallet, Hélène Conraux, Isabelle Clauson, Isabelle Julien, Jacques Bienvenu and Clairette Bienvenu, Jean-Luc Bouland, Jean-Pierre Simon, Jean-Pierre Paulhac, Jean -René Caroff, Jérôme Germain Gotho, Kalmire Kef, Laure Sartori – Writer, Chatard Michelarmand, Myrtille Lalau Author, Nadine Richardson-writer, Olivier Lasbley, Pascal Marmet -Novelist, Olivier Renard, Sandrine Brunetaud – Author, Séverine Vialon Author, Solange Tellier Fleurs d’étoiles, Stefane de Sienne, Jas Bd, Tom Chanborina Sarah Fay, Véronique Berger Grenier, Véronique Réaud, Violette and Lulu Editions, Rogé Mary, Carole Caillard, Catherine Ribeiro, Caroline Durand, Amélie Chérie, Danielle Gard-Parfait, Christian Beaudin.
Free admission – All information from Vitalité Rurale (06 07 96 25 19.
2024-01-23 20:05:17
#book #fair #ChâteauneufsurLoire #MagCentre