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Understanding Inheritance Tax Deadlines and Consequences

When do you have to pay inheritance tax?

When part of the inheritance you receive is taxed, the tax must generally be paid no later than six months after death, at the same time as filing the inheritance tax return. Simulator on service-public.fr/simulator/calculation/droits-succession.

What are the risks if we don’t pay them on time?

From the first day of the seventh month following death and until the last day of the month of payment, any taxpayer who misses the deadline bears late payment interest of 0.2% per month (i.e. 2.4% per year). Amount to which is added, from the first day of the thirteenth month following the death, an increase of 10% of the amounts due.

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Can we obtain a reprieve in the event of financial difficulties?

Quite. Provided you request it when submitting the declaration, you can obtain a spread of your payments. In return, you will bear an annual interest rate set at 1.7%, applicable to applications filed in 2023. You must also provide the Public Treasury accountant with sufficient guarantees (bank guarantee, mortgage, etc.). Concretely, this takes the form of a payment split into three equal installments over a maximum of one year, increased with interest.

Can these deadlines be extended when we receive real estate?

Yes, a maximum of three years and seven installments, if the estate is made up of at least 50% of so-called non-liquid assets: real estate, works of art, shares in a real estate company (SCI), unlisted SME securities in stock exchange…

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What if you inherit bare ownership property?

This happens, for example, when the deceased leaves a surviving spouse. The latter benefits from usufruct over the couple’s main residence, that is to say, they can live in it or rent it. The children inherit the bare ownership and only own the walls of the home. In this very particular case, the payment of rights can be deferred – subject to an annual interest rate of 1.7% in 2023 and the provision of guarantees – until six months following the meeting of the usufruct with bare ownership. property. This generally occurs upon the sale of the property, the donation of the usufruct to the bare owner or the death of the usufructuary.

* Source: General Directorate of Public Finances (DGFiP).

2024-01-21 16:09:28
#inheritance #tax

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