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Bert Dirkx Reflects on Closing His Luxurious Classic and Antique Store After 29 Years

Bert Dirkx does not yet know what the final moment is. “We have rented the building until April 1. But we don’t know what we still have to do to the building to deliver it. And if the store is empty before then, I won’t sit here in the window myself. Then it’s just done. It was quite emotional at first, for us. I lay awake for a few nights. But now I say: we have made that decision, then you have to be sober about it. Because there is still a part of life afterward. that store, a part of the life that we were never actually able to live. I was twenty when I started the business. At that time it was still in South Rotterdam, this building was added twenty-nine years ago. There was a store with office machines at the time. The street was unsafe, there was nothing there yet. We stopped in South, but this has remained the case. At first we also sold flowers here, just like there. But we stopped that about fifteen years ago. We just stood around work and we didn’t have enough left over. Meanwhile, the store started to look more and more luxurious. Lots of classic, lots of antique. We like that very much ourselves. And my associates too.”

2024-01-21 12:07:53
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