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Record Increase in Gasoline Prices in Egypt: Official Announcement and New Price Details

Searches have increased over the past hours about the truth about the increase in gasoline prices in Egypt / as the price of gasoline in Egypt in 2024 is heading to record a new increase, with the approaching date of the meeting of the Automatic Pricing Committee for Petroleum Products, which is expected to be held before the end of this January. Last November, the government announced, in a statement, a copy of which was obtained by the Energy Platform, that it had raised the prices of various types of gasoline by 14%, making it the largest increase in terms of value and percentage since the decision to liberalize fuel prices was taken 4 years ago.

Increase in gasoline prices in Egypt

During this past period, many citizens and motorists are searching for the truth about the increase in gasoline prices in Egypt, as the Automatic Pricing Committee decided during its last meeting to increase the prices of gasoline of all kinds, and to fix the price of diesel at its original price in order to take into account limited-income people, and many are searching for these new prices that It was announced by the Automatic Pricing Committee, so let us present it to you now in detail.

New gasoline prices after the increase

  • The price of a liter of 80 gasoline was recorded today at about 10 pounds instead of 8.75 pounds, after the automatic pricing committee’s decision to raise gasoline prices.
  • The price of a liter of 92 gasoline has reached 11.5 pounds instead of 10.25 pounds, after the Automatic Pricing Committee’s decision to raise gasoline prices.
  • The price of a liter of gasoline is 95, and its price has reached about 12.50 pounds instead of 11.50 pounds, after the decision of the Automatic Pricing Committee to raise gasoline prices.
  • The price of a liter of kerosene also reached about 8.25 pounds, after the Automatic Pricing Committee decided to raise gasoline prices.
  • The price of a gas cylinder reached 70.00 pounds, after the automatic pricing committee’s decision to raise gasoline prices.

It is noteworthy that the Automatic Pricing Committee for Petroleum Products in Egypt had attributed the reasons for the recent increase in fuel prices to an attempt to reduce the price gap between the cost of providing gasoline and its selling price in the local market, according to its statement monitored by the specialized energy platform.

The price of a liter of gasoline is 95, and its price has reached about 12.50 pounds instead of 11.50 pounds, after the decision of the Automatic Pricing Committee to raise gasoline prices.

During its last meeting, the Automatic Pricing Committee decided to increase gasoline prices in Egypt while stabilizing the price of diesel due to limited income.

2024-01-18 19:44:36
#Gasoline #rose #Gasoline #prices #increased #Egypt #today #Thursday #January #consumer #decision #Automatic #Pricing #Committee

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