The final stretch weighs heaviest on Mieke in ‘More Than Expected’. She is pregnant with triplets and is struggling with nausea and vomiting. That worries her, her partner Nick and her midwife.
“Everything Comes Up”
Viewers will see on Thursday evening how Mieke, who is 27 weeks pregnant at the time, is surprised with a baby shower. She is taken on a boat trip with party horns and balloons. The group then screams with joy, but Mieke loses her laughter in the days that follow.
Mieke has been feeling sick for days, suffers from heartburn and has to vomit regularly. Her midwife recommends going to the hospital for an emergency examination. “Everything comes up. This morning I was hanging above the toilet again and then I thought: it’s just not going well.”
In the hospital, Mieke and Nick, who already have daughter Yara (1) together, are explained that nausea can also be a sign of pre-eclampsia. And that is potentially dangerous. However, blood tests show that this is fortunately not the case. Later it becomes clear that Mieke does have gestational diabetes and that can also pose a major risk to her pregnancy.
At that time, Mieke is 30 weeks pregnant and she has to check her blood values daily. “It’s really due to the pregnancy and with a multiple pregnancy you have a slightly higher risk of it,” she explains. “If I continued like this, not that I would eat very unhealthy, but [als] If my sugars were too high, it could be that the babies are growing way too fast, so they are way too heavy. And that can cause premature birth but also difficulties during birth.”
And so – in addition to healthy food throughout the day – it is nibbling on radishes while Nick opens a bag of chips. “I can’t wait to open another bar of chocolate or hang out on the couch in the evening with a bag of chips.”
More than expected can be seen every working day at 7 p.m. on NPO 1 and you can look back here.
2024-01-18 19:00:33
#Great #concerns #pregnant #Mieke #triplets #Expected