In figure skating, programs are of particular importance. The first impression is created precisely thanks to the image, music and choreography, which can introduce the athlete to a new viewer. Everyone chooses their own path: some immediately find a comfortable style and exist only in it, while others constantly experiment. Everywhere has its pros and cons, and the example of the Belgian woman Luna Hendrix shows all the duality of the first option.
We can say that many people learned about this single skater during the 2021/2022 Olympic season. Then her free program to oriental motifs with techno elements and modern choreography stood out powerfully against the general background. In the same season, she had a bright demonstration number under Britney Spears, in which the Belgian showed all her capabilities. After the suspension of Russian figure skaters, Luna became a real star of the European figure skating scene.
It was then that Hendrix realized that bright, provocative and sexy images suited her. The viewer also had a request for such skating, since there were many young athletes in the top who often choose lyrics and classics. In such a stream of monotony, the main thing is to stand out and then not decline in technical and artistic terms.
Last season, the skater took only a short program in this style, using modern music in the step sequence. As if there was still no confidence that the viewer and fairly conservative judges would accept this path. Therefore, the free program was composed in a more classical style.
After her second medal at the World Championships and a large number of shows in Japan, Luna thoroughly decided to promote only this image – modern music and choreography, a minimum of fabric on the body and feminine plasticity. Both competitive programs and exhibition programs all exist in the same style. On the one hand, this is a plus, since any figure skating viewer can accurately and clearly build the image of a Belgian athlete in their head. There are certain tendencies and trends, and it’s not at all difficult to stand out – just choose your path and develop only in it.
But this approach also has its downsides. Any image quickly becomes boring if no transformations occur within it. In this regard, Hendrix skillfully alternates between more traditional compositions and modern pop music. She uses several dance styles, so you don’t get tired of her so quickly.
One aspect the Moon still did not provide for was a sense of proportion. Sexual images are difficult because you can easily slip up and descend into banal vulgarity. Extravagant costumes, outfits with a “twist” have turned almost into swimsuits, as in short, or shiny underwear, as in free. The most unsuccessful can be called her demonstration to the song “Unicorn”, where the Belgian does one of the dances while lying on the ice. She used strip plastic elements, which look quite vulgar in a figure skating dress.
Of course, modern sport lacks this openness and brightness. While all the singles girls (and not only) in the thirtieth circle show swans and the Phantom of the Opera appears Luna Hendrix, which uses songs by Madonna and Beyoncé. If this season is anything to go by, the free skate is a much better and more accurate representation of what the Belgian initially brings to the table. The short one already borders on vulgarity, so it immediately alienated some of the viewers.
Hendrix is interesting to watch precisely in the context of this search for herself. She stumbles, tries new directions, and ends up being a star not just because of the lack of competition, but because of her images and skills.
2024-01-18 02:55:00
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