Home » Entertainment » Lorenzo Jovanotti Undergoes Surgery After Bike Accident: Updates From Hospital Bed

Lorenzo Jovanotti Undergoes Surgery After Bike Accident: Updates From Hospital Bed

With a photo from the hospital bed, complete with fingers raised in a sign of victory, Lorenzo Jovanotti on Instagram says he underwent surgery at Humanitas in Rozzano, six months after falling on a bike.

«Today, 6 months after the fall, I underwent surgery to reconstruct the femur which was not aligned correctly and despite all the physiotherapy the biomechanical problem that had been created did not allow me to walk without crutches and there was no longer any room for improvement without intervening surgically”, writes Jovanotti

«Eight hours of surgery and from today, one step at a time, I’ll get back on my feet and then back to you. I would like to thank Prof Guido Grappiolo and his team at Humanitas in Milan (Rozzano to be precise) where I was operated on and where I am now and for the days that will be needed. Then I’ll tell you. For me it is a beautiful day and to all of you who in recent months have asked me for news and communicated your affection, thank you! . From today we will resume the journey towards recovery, it will still take the necessary time for physiotherapy and training but the direction is towards the recovery of all functions”.

Then the final promise-reassurance: “In the meantime I’ll write songs”. Many friends (from the world of music and beyond) who responded to the post, encouraging it: from Emma to Cesare Cremonini to Mara Venier.

In July 2023 Jovanotti, on holiday in Santo Domingo, fell from his bike and ended up in hospital: he announced it himself with two videos published on Tik Tok. Over the months he had not failed to provide fans with updates on his health conditions, until his last post on Tuesday.

2024-01-16 17:54:39

#Jovanotti #underwent #surgery #femur #lasted #hours #wasnt #aligned #correctly

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