Home » Health » Rise in Young People Diagnosed with Cancer: Causes and Solutions

Rise in Young People Diagnosed with Cancer: Causes and Solutions

12:00 PM Monday, January 15, 2024

Doctors point to an increase in young people being diagnosed with various types of cancer all over the world, especially in North America, Western Europe, and Australia.

According to The Wall Street Journal, the number of people under the age of fifty with cancer has increased by 12.8 percent over the past twenty years.

“The numbers mentioned in the study challenge the common belief that cancer is a disease of the elderly,” says Monique Jarry, chief of oncology at Grand View Health in Pennsylvania.

According to Dr. Andrea Cherchik, of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, these statistics may be due to environmental degradation, a change in eating habits, or some other phenomenon that has not yet been identified to this day.

Researchers put forward many hypotheses related to cancer, which is also affecting young people, ranging from a sedentary lifestyle to the presence of microplastics in the air.

The relationship between cancer and eating habits has already been confirmed. Scientists have proven that people who eat excessively in adolescence in sweets and sweetened drinks are more likely to later develop cancer. It has also been proven that there is a relationship between cancer and excess weight.

2024-01-15 10:00:00

#affects #young #people #world

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