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3 Breakfast Mistakes That Can Increase Blood Sugar Levels – Expert Advice

JAKARTA– Breakfast is often referred to as the most important meal of the day. One reason is because breakfast gives us the energy needed to start activities.

Therefore, breakfast should not be done haphazardly, especially by those who suffer from or are at risk of high blood sugar. The reason is, there are a number of breakfast mistakes that can make blood sugar levels skyrocket in the morning.
Breakfast Mistakes That Can Make Blood Sugar Rise

So, what are some breakfast mistakes that can increase blood sugar levels? Quoted from various sources, the following is the explanation.

1. Too many calories

Breakfast does provide energy for the body, but that doesn’t mean we have to eat a lot of food to get energy.

Food contains calories which will be processed by the body to produce energy. However, if the amount is too much, the excess calories will be stored in the form of visceral fat. This is prone to making someone gain weight or obesity, potentially causing insulin resistance. As a result, the body cannot process blood sugar levels efficiently, thus triggering an increase in blood sugar.

2. ‘Skip’ Breakfast

Apart from eating too much at breakfast, people who like to skip or skip breakfast are also at risk of experiencing an increase in blood sugar. A nutritious and balanced breakfast can support the performance of the body’s metabolic system and help control blood sugar levels.

If someone skips breakfast, then he tends to consume too much food at lunch time. If done frequently, this can affect insulin sensitivity, causing an increase in blood sugar.

3. Not consuming fiber

Not consuming fibrous foods at breakfast is a mistake that can increase blood sugar levels. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that can slow down the process of digestion of food in the stomach. This makes it take longer for glucose from food to be absorbed by the body, thereby contributing to lowering blood sugar levels.

In addition, fiber foods can make your stomach feel full longer, thereby reducing the risk of overeating at lunch.

(source: detik.com)

2024-01-14 16:03:00
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