A 27-year-old young man was tried before the Nîmes criminal court. He was imprisoned following his trial.
Nicolas Maurel arrived at the Nimes criminal court accompanied by his father. On the stand he measured the scale of his trial and the seriousness of the alleged acts. Already convicted of inciting hatred, the defendant is on trial today for having broadcast videos of racist, anti-Semitic rappers and death threats on social networks.
You have the blacks, the rebeus and the bougnoules who rap, it’s a disaster. It’s certain that I can be better than them.
Nikoss, alias Nicola Maurel
The events occurred between 2019 and 2022 after the death of his mother. A complicated childhood according to his lawyer.
“He is someone who, very young, encountered psychological difficulties which have permeated his entire life: complicated his schooling, his integration as a young adult as well as his social relationships. Which explains why he found today before this court”, explains Caroline Greffier, defense lawyer.
The 27-year-old young man is a supporter of the National Rally. He is also part of an extremist group, the Brigandes. Four Jewish associations filed a civil suit.
“This makes it possible to sanction the perpetrators in accordance with the facts judged and to send a signal to society by saying: “if you commit anti-Semitic acts, you will be punished severely”.
Corine Serfati-Chetrit
Lawyer for the civil party
“The severity of the sentence is extremely important,” adds Corinne Serfati-Chetrit, lawyer for the civil party. The judgment fell in the evening: two in prison. The young man was imprisoned in the bar.
Written with Dalila Iberrakene.
2024-01-12 20:57:48
#broadcast #racist #antiSemitic #videos #man #sentenced #years #prison