The immunization against flu It was less popular this year than during the worst stages of the pandemic, when fear encouraged the population to get all the available vaccines.
Fatigue and a covid that is less frightening to the general population meant that this year there was a significant decline in the participation of people aged 60 to 70 in the Vigo areabecause only half decided to get immunized, and it also had less impact among health professionals, a target group that recommends the flu vaccine to protect themselves and at the same time to not infect their patients.
Of the nearly 6,500 workers that the Vigo health area has this year Only a total of 2,171 received the flu vaccineso they are one in every three people summoned in this sector.
On the other hand, the virus flu had circulated much less during the pandemicwith a 2020-2021 season in which not a single case was detected and with few infections in the following two seasons.
The flu forced the temporary closure of some hospitality establishments like this one in Teis.
A lower vaccination rate and a less trained immune system are two of the factors that could influence this year’s situation, with the flu as the predominant respiratory virus, far above RSV and covid, and with many more cases than in the last fourteen years, with the only exception of the 2017-2018 season that stood out for its high infection rates, its 3,849 admissions and its 257 deaths from this cause in Galicia. This year, the flu overwhelmed healthcare facilities and caused significant casualties in the general population and even among healthcare workers.
Those who did comply with the vaccine were those over 85, with massive participation, while 77% of people between 70 and 84 years old also participated.
102,186 elderly vaccinated
At this moment, the Vigo health area vaccinated 102,186 people over 60 years of age (60% of all those mentioned), while last year almost 105,000 had been immunized. However, in 2022 the vaccination campaign had concluded in mid-January and this year it will continue until the 26th of this month to alleviate this higher incidence.
Since last season Galicia is immunizing children under 5 years of age against the flu. One in two minors are already vaccinated in the current campaign. The Vigo health area does not reach that average, with 47% participation, a percentage that is equivalent to 7,548 immunized boys and girls.
The flu virus has been showing a decreasing trend in the Vigo area and in Galicia for two weeks, although it is not ruled out that it could still experience a small rebound in cases as a result of the impact that the Three Kings holiday could have.
The graph prepared by Sergas shows the decline in incidence.
On the other hand, yesterday there were 20 patients with covid hospitalized on the ward at the Álvaro Cunqueiro Hospital of the 185 who are admitted to the Sergas hospitals throughout Galicia.
Given the drop in temperatures expected for today and tomorrow, the Ministry of Health proposes taking measures to avoid or reduce the negative impact of the cold on the body, especially in the most vulnerable population, from the type of clothing, drinking hot drinks, breathe through the nose and not through the mouth, and others.
2024-01-11 23:45:54
#health #workers #Vigo #vaccinated #flu #year