All medical professionals in maternity care will soon be able to use a guideline for the treatment of extreme morning sickness called Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG). Severe pregnancy sickness is often dismissed as ‘it’s part of life’, while it can be terribly difficult and sometimes even dangerous for the woman in question. According to expert Jessica, her GP, maternity assistant and medical professionals did not know how to help her. This is reported by Hart van Nederland.
The Pregnancy Sickness and Hyperemesis Gravidarum Foundation is pleased with the future guideline that includes the latest scientific insights. This way, women with HG can finally be treated properly and unambiguously.
130,000 women with morning sickness per year
In the Netherlands, around 130,000 women suffer from morning sickness every year, half of which are severe. About 2 to 3.6 percent have HG.
By: National Healthcare Guide / Johanne Levinsky
2024-01-10 07:30:00
#Guideline #treatment #extreme #morning #sickness #progress