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Understanding Kidney Failure: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

KOMPAS.com – Kidney failure is a condition when the kidneys cannot filter waste from the blood.

Meanwhile, if the kidneys cannot function properly, many toxins will remain in the body.

This then causes kidney failure to become a life-threatening condition, if not treated immediately.

Urine color is a sign of kidney failure

If the urine is dark yellow, red, or brown, this may indicate that a person is experiencing kidney failure.

However, not all urine that is darker in color is a symptom of kidney health conditions. Dark yellow urine can also mean dehydration.

Read also: 8 Unhealthy Habits That Can Damage Your Kidneys

In some cases, urine can turn red after eating beets or foods with certain dyes, and urine can also change color due to medications taken.

What causes urine to change color when kidney failure?

The kidneys normally remove liquid waste from the body and maintain the balance of minerals, salts and water.

In conditions of kidney failure, the kidneys may retain fluid, and harmful waste may accumulate in the body. If this happens, the urine may contain excess protein, toxins, and blood.

This can cause urine to change color, becoming darker, brown, or even slightly red.

Causes of kidney failure

Understanding the factors that cause kidney failure is important as a preventive measure. There are two most common causes of kidney failure, namely high blood pressure and diabetes.

Read also: What are the early signs of kidney failure?

Apart from these two factors, people who are most at risk of developing kidney failure usually experience the following conditions:

1. Loss of blood flow to the kidneys

Sudden loss of blood flow to the kidneys can cause kidney failure.

Conditions that cause loss of blood flow to the kidneys include:

  • Heart attack
  • Heart disease
  • Scarring of the liver or liver failure
  • Dehydration
  • Severe burns
  • Allergic reaction
  • Severe infection
  • High blood pressure and anti-inflammatory drugs can also restrict blood flow.

2. Problems with urine elimination

When the body cannot excrete urine, toxins will accumulate and become a burden on the kidneys.

Read also: Recognizing that kidney failure puts sufferers at risk of dialysis

Several cancers can cause obstruction of the urinary tract, such as:

  • Prostate
  • Cervical cancer
  • Bladder cancer

There are also other conditions that can interfere with urination and possibly cause kidney failure, namely:

  • Kidney stones
  • Prostate enlargement
  • Blood clots in the urinary tract
  • Damage to the nerves that control the bladder.

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2024-01-08 02:30:00
#Color #Urine #Kidney #Failure #Kompas.com

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