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Latvian Influencer Laura Vizla Reflects on Growing Up and Living in America

Currently, Laura spends time getting to know herself. She wants to grow and develop in the influencer profession.

Vizla has been attending therapy for two years now, believing that it is a way to help herself as much as possible, to push herself forward, to understand why different things happen the way they do.

Since her high school years, Laura has worked, not being afraid to be a kitchen assistant, a waitress, or a casino employee.

Remembering her life in America, the influencer says that she didn’t know what to expect from America when she went to Dallas. For Latvians, America seems so far away, it is like an unreal country to travel to.

At first, the Latvian woman was afraid to go out and meet people, because she thought that she would not express herself in the right way, would not understand what was being said to her, was shy. Well, she is happy that she got to know people and build relationships in another part of the world. Laura still has friends in America.

In Dallas, Laura realized that she can’t just go for a walk wherever her eyes show. That the city is designed to drive cars, there are not even pedestrian paths everywhere. People go for a walk by car and then walk.

As a European, Laura went for a walk, until she got lost in an area of ​​private houses and thought that she didn’t know anyone, that she didn’t know if it was a safe area, at that moment a “Ford Mustang” brand car with tinted windows passed her, whistles sounded from the car and the Latvian quickly left to home.

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Laura associates America with everything very, very big, both literally and figuratively – the tallest buildings she’s seen, the biggest roads and the loudest people.

The influencer compares Washington more to Latvia in terms of climate, because it was cold in the winters, but warm in the summers, but she still sunbathed in Dallas in February.

Laura notes that a big plus is that you can fly to different places within one country and feel like you are in different worlds, both because of the weather and the mentality.

Remembering her time in America, Laura says that while you are young and without children, it is a good place to be because you can learn a lot. However, she probably wouldn’t want to live, how to live, to build a family. Vizla wants to stay in Europe.

Learn more about Laura Vizla in the “Youtube” podcast of influencer Beta Beidz “Made It with Beta Beidz”!

2024-01-07 14:54:48

#Laura #Vizla #America #build #family #life #land #dreams

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