Home » Entertainment » JR: The Street Artist and Photographer Challenging Prejudices and Inspiring Hope

JR: The Street Artist and Photographer Challenging Prejudices and Inspiring Hope

JR, real name Jean René, was born in 1983 in Paris and is a photographer as well as a street artist – a master of graffiti.

The artist chooses not to exhibit his works in galleries, but chooses the street, saying that the street is the biggest art gallery in the world. JR’s works are dominated by black and white tones.

The pictures he creates challenge widespread prejudices. JR depicts freedom, identity and various restrictions in his works.

In 2011, he used the $100,000 he won from the TED art competition to implement the Inside Out project.

“Inside Out” is a large-format street wall covering of photographs created by JR. The main concept emphasizes different people and their stories. By August 2022, 500,000 posters had been printed and sent to 148 countries, the posters were pasted in the streets by supporters and documented in photographs. The project has reached all 7 continents including Antarctica. The photographs tell the story of hope, diversity, inform about violence and climate change.

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The artist often humanizes the surroundings, changes people’s ideas about his contemporaries, as an example – 2019, when JR Tehachapi created works of art in the strict regime prison, painting portraits of convicts, as well as the families of already dead criminals, trying to humanize them, as well as – “give a voice “.

JR began to express himself creatively as a street artist, but now he has gained world fame, his works are known on all seven continents, his monumental portrait is depicted on the wall of the US-Mexico border.

“Paper and Glue” shows the power of art to inspire diverse communities and encourage self-awareness by expanding horizons.

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2024-01-06 15:02:17

#graffiti #monumental #portrait #USMexico #border #wall #story

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