Pathanamthitta – Minister KB Ganesh Kumar asked the Devaswom Board officials to provide the KSRTC with a mic announcement system to give necessary instructions to Sabarimala pilgrims. Ganesh Kumar said that even though it is on rent, the mic should be arranged as soon as possible or else the responsibility will be on the board. The minister’s criticism was in the discussion held in the presence of ADGP Sreejith and KU Janish Kumar MLA.
“If you give me the mic, I can announce. Except that it is not announced at the expense of KSRTC. I will call the Devaswom Board President. Do you rent a mic, just a note counting machine? KSRTC staff is ready to announce. If you said that you won’t even rent the mic… you didn’t say to buy it permanently. If the pilgrims wander without being notified, the responsibility will be on the Devaswom Board,” said the minister.
What the board is saying is no more than what the minister is saying. Urgent need to hire Mike. If the pilgrims are not notified as per the instructions of the police, it will be a problem. The minister added that if the Devaswom Board says that they need to pay money for allowing the mic, they can call him.
2024-01-06 06:42:26
#note #counting #machine #Hire #mic #announcement