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Ministry of Health Urges Polio Immunization Following 3 Cases of Paralysis

giving vaccines to children. Photo source: Freepik/elshinta.com.

The Ministry of Health asks residents to ensure immunization following 3 cases of paralysis

Sigit Kurniawan’s Lifestyle Friday, 05 January 2024 – 21:35 WIB

Elshinta.com – The Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) has asked residents to do a number of things to anticipate the spread of the polio virus, following the discovery of three cases of Acute Faccid Paralysis (AFP) caused by the type two Polio Virus, including immunization.

“First, society must ensure that children receive complete routine polio immunization according to age, namely four polio drops and two polio injections before the age of one year,” said the Director General of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Maxi Rein Rondonuwu, in a statement. written in Jakarta, Friday (5/1).

Second, said Maxi, ensuring that all children aged zero to seven years in all areas of Central Java and East Java Provinces, as well as Sleman Regency, DI Yogyakarta Province, receive two additional doses of polio immunization drops at the National Immunization Sub Week (Sub PIN) activities which will be implemented starting January 15 2024.

Third, implement clean and healthy living habits, including defecating in toilets septic tank and wash your hands with soap before eating and after going to the toilet.

“Fourth, the public is advised to immediately report to the nearest health officer or Puskesmas if they find a child under 15 years of age with symptoms of sudden paralysis,” he said.

Maxi asked the entire community to play an active role in tackling and stopping the transmission of the polio virus.

The Ministry of Health noted that the three cases of acute paralysis were found on 20 and 22 December 2023, and 4 January 2024 in Central Java and East Java.

This case occurred in NH (6), a girl with a history of polio drops immunization (OPV) twice, MAF (1 year 11 months) a boy with a history of complete immunization but malnutrition, and MAM (3 years 1 month) a boy with a history of four drops and one injection (IPV) polio immunization.

Source: Between

2024-01-05 14:35:00
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