Jakarta –
A small reshuffle was carried out in the board of commissioners of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia or Pelindo. National Democratic Party (Nasdem) politician Muchtar Luthfi Mutty ended his term as independent commissioner at the state-owned port company.
It was Andus Winarno’s turn to step forward as Muchtar Lutfi’s replacement to fill the position of commissioner. This is stated in the Decree of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises number SK-2/MBU/01/2024 dated January 3 2024 concerning the Dismissal and Appointment of Members of the Board of Commissioners and the Appointment of Independent Commissioners of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia. These changes to the Board of Commissioners were determined at the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) of the Ministry of BUMN.
“On behalf of Pelindo’s management, I would like to express my gratitude for the best guidance and contribution that Mr. Muchtar Luthfi Mutty has given during his time with Pelindo. We also wish him congratulations and success on his assignment to a new place,” said Pelindo Main Director Arif Suhartono in his statement, Thursday (4/ 1/2024).
Other minor changes were made to the position held by Agus Suhartono. The man who is the former TNI Commander remains the main commissioner of Pelindo, and also serves as an independent commissioner.
Then there is Sudung Situmorang who is an independent commissioner. Sudung was once the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) at the Attorney General’s Office. The rest is unchanged.
Former Pelindo Board of Commissioners:
1. Main Commissioner: Agus Suhartono
2. Commissioner: Didi Sumedi
3. Commissioner: Sudung Situmorang
4. Independent Commissioner: Heru Sukanto
5. Independent Commissioner: Muchtar Luthfi Mutty
6. Commissioner: Arif Toha Tjahjagama
7. Commissioner: Jodi Mahardi
Latest Pelindo Board of Commissioners:
1. President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner: Agus Suhartono
2. Independent Commissioner: Sudung Situmorang
3. Commissioner: Didi Sumedi
4. Independent Commissioner: Heru Sukanto
5. Commissioner: Arif Toha Tjahjagama
6. Commissioner: Jodi Mahardi
7. Commissioner: Andus Winarno
2024-01-04 05:09:30
#Erick #Thohir #Replaces #Pelindo #Commissioner #NasDem #Politician #Muchtar #Luthfi #Replaced