The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) can provide up to $900 in assistance paying heating bills for low-income or senior households.
Eligible households may receive seasonal support and may also be eligible for an emergency benefit if they are at risk of being left without heat.
More than one million HEAP benefits were issued last winter. Applications for emergency benefits are accepted beginning January 2, 2024.
The support received will depend on your income, the size of the household, the number of people living in it, what type of heating they have and whether they live with a vulnerable family member, or are over 60 years of age or with a child under 6 years.
To register you must contact your local HEAP office. You can check which one is your county at this link.
The maximum monthly income of each household to apply to the program is shown in this table:
For example, a family of 4 must have an income less than or equal to $5,838 per month to apply.
Does it matter what my home’s heating source is?
HEAP can help you if you heat your home with:
- Electricity
- Gas natural
- Oil
- Coal
- Propane
- Wood/wood pellets
- Kerosene
- Corn
For some it can be a real challenge to warm up during the winter. Since all apartments and heating systems are different, consider these solutions if your apartment gets a little too cold this season.
Credit: izusek/Getty Images
Mint Images/Getty Images/Mint Images RF
Make sure your heat works First things first: make sure you have heat. If your heating system is not working, call your landlord or doorman to locate the problem. If they do not respond to you, report it to the city’s 311 emergency line. The heavy fines will be more than enough motivation to push your owner to act.
Crédito: Mint Images/Getty Images/Mint Images RF
Construction Photography/Avalon/Getty Images
If it gets too hot and you have no control over the heating, you can install a device on the radiator itself that allows you to control the amount of heat that is generated, as recommended by 6sqft. However, you will need to know if you have a one-piece or two-piece radiator. Also, this option is a bit expensive.
Crédito: Construction Photography/Avalon/Getty Images
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Electric heaters An easy solution is to buy an electric heater, but be careful. These can be real firearms if not used correctly. Consult our guide to avoid accidents.
Crédito: Tim Boyle/Getty Images
Mike Kemp/Getty Images/Tetra images RF
Insulation with fabrics A rug can help you insulate the room and keep your feet warm. For buildings that lack insulation in their walls, a rug can be useful. Also consider using heavier curtains to block the cold from coming through the windows.
Crédito: Mike Kemp/Getty Images/Tetra images RF
Insulate doors and windows There is never a lack of a room that gets cold despite the heating. That is why you should make sure that there are no cold air drafts in the rooms. A rubber seal can help you seal off any gaps, with self-adhesive strips that can be applied to drafty windows without changing their appearance.
Crédito: BanksPhotos/Getty Images
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Burak Karademir/Getty Images
Update your bed and blankets for cold weather In the case of your bedroom, consider changing your blankets. Instead of adding multiple blankets, start with a good wool or down mattress cover that provides insulation. You can also purchase a set of flannel or microfiber sheets. Down comforters are also very warm.
Credit: Burak Karademir/Getty Images
2024-01-03 13:57:00
#York #offers #financial #support #pay #heating #bills