Happy New Year to all readers from the editorial staff of Fiscal Information: real-time updates return on Tuesday 2 January 2024
The editorial staff of Informazione Fiscale wishes a happy 2024 to all readers!
From extraordinary measures to measures that are repeated from year to year, such as Budget Law just approved, leading to the start of a tax reform that has been awaited for years, i twelve months which have just concluded were particularly intense.
Every day we met on these pages to read together challenges and responses that current events pose and to offer information on taxes and employment thorough, clear, reliable and verifiedfirst of all with words, but increasingly also with images thanks to our presence on Instagram and on all other social networks.
Over the weekends we took stock of the events of the last seven days with IF WEEK in text format and with IF NEWS in video format.
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The periodic appointment with surveys, however, gave us the opportunity to collect opinions, disappointment, desires of all those who expressed their opinion on current issues.
A failure arrived right on Budget Law just approved that tracks the future of Taxes and Labor for next year: from the confirmation of the cut in the contribution wedge to the bonuses for families, the measures included paint a new panorama for 2024.
Beyond the evaluations on the contents, with the beginning of the new year we move on from words to deedsfrom writing to implementation of what is foreseen in the Maneuver.
The appointment to get to know the news coming soonand to express your opinion via i monthly surveys or contacts with editors and editors, it is always on the pages of Tax Information.
Also for next year the editorial team is committed to maintaining silence information agreement close with each of the readers and to provide news, updates, objective, accurate and accessible insightsuseful for orienting yourself in the world of Taxes and Work.
Ready to face the new year in the best possible way, We wish you a 2024 of satisfaction and serenity!
2024-01-02 06:44:20
#Happy #Fiscal #Information #editorial #team