Home » Health » Types of Earthquakes in Indonesia: Tectonic, Volcanic, and Extraterrestrial

Types of Earthquakes in Indonesia: Tectonic, Volcanic, and Extraterrestrial

January 1, 2024 10:35 PM |

Updated: January 1, 2024 23:04

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Source: galepodgurski.blogspot.com

As we know, Indonesia is a country surrounded by an active circle of earth’s plates which can cause earthquakes.

An earthquake is a process that occurs due to shocks or vibrations that occur on the earth’s surface at different scales.

There are several types of earthquakes in Indonesia, of course the processes that occur and their scales are also different.

1. Tectonic Earthquake

This type of earthquake generally occurs frequently in Indonesia. Tectonic earthquakes occur due to collisions and shifts of the earth’s plates which greatly affect objects on the earth’s surface, resulting in earthquake vibrations. The scale also varies from small to large scale.

2. Volcanic Earthquake

Volcanic earthquakes are often associated with the process of releasing magma from volcanoes. Volcanic earthquakes occur when there is friction or vibration between the earth and magma which then causes an earthquake.

3. Extraterrestrial Earthquake

This type of earthquake is very rare in Indonesia. This process occurs very rarely as long as the solar system is still operating as usual. The connection with this is that the earthquake process occurs when there is a collision between a meteor and a celestial body which then enters the earth’s atmosphere.

4. Vibrations in the earth’s core

This type of earthquake can be said to occur quite often. The process occurs when friction occurs in the earth’s core which contains magma or hot liquid.

2024-01-01 15:35:24
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