In real life, snowflakes are known to never be the same, but in this puzzle, two frosty formations match. Can you find them in less than 20 seconds? They say that only the most gifted and attentive people can cope with the task.
Dazzlingly beautiful when viewed under a microscope, snowflakes are one of nature’s most amazing cold creations. The infinite variety of forms is one of the mind-blowing examples of science in action, and they require the right conditions to appear. So, in the clouds the temperature must be at least minus 10 °C for water vapor to turn into the substance we know as snow.
Mindfulness and observation tasks are a great way to test our mental abilities. One of these is to find two identical snowflakes among many others, and this must be done in just 20 seconds. This may seem like a simple task, but in fact it requires special care and quick reaction.
In this image there are five rows of snowflakes of five. But only those with puzzle-solving skills will be able to find a matching match in less than 20 seconds.
You can use strategies such as traversing each line horizontally or vertically in turn, or you can simply run your eyes randomly across the illustration looking for a pattern.
Which two snowflakes are the same?
Don’t be upset if you couldn’t find two identical snowflakes in 20 seconds. This is just one task among many, and each of us has our own unique skills and abilities. It is important to remember that success in problem solving does not determine our overall intellectual ability.
Look at the second row from the top and remember the last, fifth snowflake (from left to right). The exact same one is located in the last, fifth row in the middle (third, if viewed from left to right).
Here they are:
Telegraph previously published another New Year’s puzzle. Take a pen and paper to solve this picture puzzle. Be careful, one of the stages is not easy at all!
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