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New Fitness Engineering Technology to Reduce Risk of Disease and Dementia

January 1, 2024 07:40 |

Updated: January 1, 2024 07:42

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Illustration: scitechdaily.com

Everyone will certainly not deny that exercise is very beneficial for the body because apart from maintaining fitness it also increases the body’s immunity. However, unfortunately not everyone can do this for various reasons such as busyness, age, lack of adequate facilities and other reasons.

Regular exercise in moderate portions can provide great benefits, from keeping blood glucose levels stable to reducing the risk of developing osteoporosis or disease Alzheimer. Exercise is the best treatment and has been proven to reduce the risk of dementia by up to 45%, as well as maintaining bone strength, blood vessel flexibility and muscle fiber recovery.

The latest research results were published in the prestigious Scientific Journal British Medical Journal shows that doing just 75 minutes of exercise a night a week is proven to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and premature death, compared to not exercising.

For a long time, scientists have dreamed and worked hard to think about the positive effects of this sport and take advantage of it using easy methods that can be done by everyone. It seems that the dreams of these scientists will soon become a reality because this fitness engineering technology is currently in the clinical trial stage which, if successful, will open new horizons in the field of health science.

Currently in Norway a new discovery is being clinically tested ExPlas (note: is an abbreviation for Exercise — Plasma) which involves taking blood plasma from young, healthy adults who exercise regularly and injecting it into people aged between 50 and 75 years in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Through this technology, it is hoped that there will be rejuvenation of the mind and body in the elderly or people who are lazy about doing sports.

When we exercise there will be a release of hormones into the blood vessels, but until now it has not been identified which hormones have the same positive effect as when we exercise. Therefore, the technology of injecting plasma from people who diligently do sports is a way of transferring hormones that has the potential to have a positive effect on patients.

Another approach that has previously been used which is the rationale for plasma therapy is discovery your iris which is a hormone released by muscles during exercise. This hormone functions to carry messages that will be communicated to various organs in the body. Irisin has been proven to be able to reach the brain and function to clean plaque amyloid poisonous which is one of the causes of disease Alzheimer.

By using experimental animals it was found that levels increased your iris can convert normal fat cells into energy-burning brown fat, causing the rodents to lose weight even on a high-fat diet.

The results of this research show that exercise provides positive benefits and if used will help protect the brain from dementia and if followed up with steps to use synthetic irisin and carry out gene engineering, more irisin will be produced as an ingredient to be injected into the body.

This series of discoveries certainly opens up new hopes for mitigating the positive effects of exercise and taking advantage of them. Therefore, it is not impossible that the positive effects of exercise can be packaged in pills or capsules which allow people to take advantage as easily as taking vitamins.

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2024-01-01 00:40:58
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