Home » Business » Manuela Schwesig Urges Federal Government to Find Compromises and Solutions – Calls for Trust in Political Action

Manuela Schwesig Urges Federal Government to Find Compromises and Solutions – Calls for Trust in Political Action

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania’s Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) has called on the federal government to find compromises and good solutions and thus create more trust in political action.

“The most important thing for the new year is that the traffic lights no longer argue, but make sensible decisions together and then implement them,” said Schwesig to the German Press Agency in Schwerin.

The open conflicts overshadowed positive developments and successes in state politics, fueled fears among the population and increased protests. “And the AfD is currently collecting this protest,” said Schwesig, referring to the high poll numbers of the party, which is sometimes classified as right-wing extremist, especially in the east, and the upcoming state elections in 2024.

Federal financial plans

The SPD politician cited the federal government’s financial plans as the most recent example. The requirements of the constitutional judges in Karlsruhe would have ensured that less money could now be spent and therefore savings had to be made. “But I don’t think it’s right for the federal government to cut financial support for agriculture overnight,” Schwesig replied to the plans to cancel tax breaks for farmers.

“A farmer has to look after his animals, plant the seeds and tend the plants 365 days a year so that the harvest is good. “In this way, it ensures that we have enough food available at affordable prices, even in times of crisis,” explained Schwesig. Withdrawing support from this industry now is unacceptable.

Debate about the federal budget

There are suggestions from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania as to where savings could be made instead, for example with company car privileges for hybrid vehicles. “In addition, in the mediation committee of the Federal Council and Bundestag, we have just passed the Growth Opportunities Act, with which we are supposed to support the economy with six billion euros. We cannot, on the one hand, introduce new support measures and at the same time withdraw support from a systemically important industry such as agriculture. Then it would be right to find a solution there first,” said Schwesig.

However, the current debate about the federal budget also shows that the federal government cannot all meet its current expenses, additional funds for the military and investments in the future at the same time with the money available. “The federal government must have the opportunity to finance future investments, for example in renewable energies, through loans,” emphasized Schwesig. In doing so, she renewed her call for a reform of the debt brake, which was rejected, especially by the FDP. The Prime Minister said she thinks a debt rule is important, but it should be limited to social and personnel expenses and allow loans for investments that will benefit future generations.

2023-12-30 07:44:05
#addition #concerns #rising #prices #high #numbers #refugees #people #Schwerin #driving #situation

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