MY ASPIRATION METRO – There is something big but not a planet, do you have an answer to this guess or riddle?
The riddle that there are big ones but not planets is also an interesting guess to make jokes at hangouts.
However, the answer to the riddle or guess is something big, but it’s not this planet that makes you sad.
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Well, there’s a clue, what makes you sad? Do you know the answer yet?
There are interesting answers to every guess given.
Guessing is indeed one of a person’s humor tools, but it still invites you to think.
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The thought process of guessing outside of reason must be outside of normal thinking, because you have to find a creative answer.
One of them is the question of whether there is a big one but not a planet in this guessing game.
Therefore, some of the explanations that can be obtained below will provide the answer that there are big ones but they are not planets.
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I think it’s difficult to answer this, I want to think about the word planet and the name of the planet can’t be found yet.
So what is big but not a planet?
2023-12-29 14:14:00