Jyothika talks about the actors she admires the most and the questions she wants to ask them. Jyothika said that Mammootty, Amitabh Bachchan and Kamal Haasan are the actors she admires the most and what question she would like to ask them. Jyothika was speaking at the Actors Ada organized by Film Companion. Vikrant Massey, Thilothama Shome, Siddharth, Jaideep Ahlawat, Bobby Deol and Kareena Kapoor were also present at the event.
‘My list is long. Of course, Amitabh Bachchan will be the first to come. Then there is Mammootty sir and Kamal Haasan. At that point in your career, there will be a point where you give something back to cinema. I have to ask them when that was. Only great actors like them can answer that.
We take many things from movies. But there will come a time of giving back. That giving back is beautiful. There are quite a few actors who have given back like that. I want to ask them at what point that evolution happened,’ said Jyothika.
Meanwhile, Kareena Kapoor said Saif Ali Khan’s name. ‘I live with my favorite actor. Film is on his mind. Saif will watch a lot of movies. We will discuss a lot of movies. He is a pathbreaker. Because he was one of the first to go to the OTT platform.
He has a crazy mind as an actor. There are wild thoughts. Will read a lot. You will see many celebrity interviews. It is seen at 2 o’clock and 3 o’clock in the morning. If I wake up at that time I will be talking about it.
I wouldn’t have to go far to call him a great actor because of this. As an artist I also enjoy his work. It also motivates me to move forward,’ Kareena said.
Meanwhile Tilothama Shome and Jayadeep said Tabu’s name. Vikrant Massey named Amitabh Bachchan and Siddharth Kamal Haasan. Bobby Deol said his father Dharmendra’s name.
Content Highlight: Mammootty, Kamal Haasan and Amitabh Bachchan have a question that only they can answer, says Jyothika