Mumbai: A complaint has been filed against Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor in Mumbai for allegedly hurting religious sentiments during Christmas celebrations. Sanjay Tiwari filed a complaint at Ghatkopar police station through lawyers Ashish Rai and Pankaj Mishra. No FIR has been registered on the complaint yet.
The video of Ranbir Kapoor celebrating Christmas went viral. His wife and actress Alia Bhatt is also seen in the video along with Ranbir Kapoor. As part of the traditional Christmas ceremony, Ranbir had poured liquor on the pudding and lit it on fire. However, Sanjay Tiwari filed a complaint claiming that he was chanting ‘Jai Mata Di’ while pouring alcohol and lighting the fire.
“In Hinduism, before meditating on other deities, Agni is meditated upon. But while Ranbir Kapoor and his family members were celebrating a festival of another religion, they deliberately consumed alcohol and chanted ‘Jai Mata Di’,” the complaint said.
English Summary:
Ranbir Kapoor Faces Case For ‘Hurting Sentiments’ In Christmas Video
2023-12-28 05:14:49
#Complaint #Ranbir #Kapoor #hurting #religious #sentiments #Christmas #celebrations #Video