At the same time, Ukrainians’ idea of how the Hungarian population views Ukraine is also mostly negative: 37% of the population think so. Another 17% believe that Hungarians have a positive attitude towards Ukraine, and 29% are neutral.
The leader in terms of the level of positive attitude of Ukrainians towards neighboring countries is Poland. Thus, 66% of Ukrainians have a positive attitude towards Poland, while only 8% have a negative attitude, and 22% of citizens express a neutral attitude.
Every second Ukrainian (51%) believes that the Polish population has a positive attitude towards Ukraine, while 13% of respondents believe that Poles have a negative attitude towards Ukraine.
A positive attitude in the structure of public opinion prevails both towards Moldova (49.5% versus 8% negative) and towards Romania (47% versus 9%, respectively). 38% of Ukrainians are neutral towards both countries. Public opinion about Slovakia is equally divided between those who have a neutral attitude towards this country and those who have a positive perception (38.5% each).
The leader of the anti-rating among neighbors (Russia was not included in this list) is Belarus. Thus, 78% of Ukrainians have a negative attitude towards Belarus, and the majority of them (58%) are definitely negative. 12% show a neutral attitude (the lowest rate of neutrality among all neighbors), but at the end of 2023, less than 5% have a positive attitude towards Belarus.
At the same time, the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians believe that the population of Belarus has a negative attitude towards Ukraine (61%, of which 41% is definitely negative). Only 7% of Ukrainians believe in a positive attitude of Belarusians towards Ukraine.
The survey was conducted by the Democratic Initiatives Foundation and the Razumkov Center from December 8 to 15, 2023 among 2019 respondents. The survey was conducted in territories controlled by the Ukrainian government and in which there are no military operations. The theoretical sampling error does not exceed 2.3%.
Let us remember that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban takes an openly pro-Russian position. He often makes statements against Ukraine and blocks EU aid to Ukraine.
Hungary is the only European country that Ukrainians consider hostile. According to a survey by the Sociological Group “Rating”, Hungary in 2022 moved into the category of hostile countries for Ukrainians.
#Ukrainians #negative #attitude #European #neighboring #country
2023-12-27 11:59:42