Scientists will try to convert light into matter with the new experiment they have prepared. Thus, Einstein’s famous formula E=mc^2 will also be tested.
Perhaps the most famous physics formula known is E=mc^2 The formula has never been truly tested until now. Einstein According to this formula put forward by , the energy of an object is equal to the product of its mass and the square of the speed of light. Researchers have now designed an experiment to test this theory.
Osaka and San Diego Universities In a collaborative study, scenarios in which photons collided using lasers were simulated with computers. According to the results, it became clear that electrons and positrons should emerge as a result of these collisions. It is a (+) charged anti-matter particle corresponding to an electron. positrons It was also stated that a positron beam could then be created by accelerating it with the magnetic field of the laser.
Is it possible to convert light into matter?
Physicist from Osaka University, one of the authors of the study Alexey Arefiev, said that the experiment they developed is feasible and they expect it to be used in the real world. In the researchers’ statement, it was also stated that it was possible to carry out this experiment and that lasers of the mentioned type were available. According to simulations Breit-Wheeler process When the process called photon-photon collision is carried out, matter can be created.
Senior researcher and Professor of Physics Steven Rose previously described a similar experiment as “This experiment will be a pure demonstration of Einstein’s famous equation regarding energy and mass: We are talking about E = mc2, which tells us how much energy is produced when matter is converted into energy. What we do is the same, but this time the formula is reversed: photon energy to mass convert, i.e. m = E / c^2.” He used the following expressions:
How can the experiment be carried out?
One of the visible light thousandfoldthe other is 1 million times Two strong light waves will be fired at a gold plate and collide. In a small gold tube called a hohlraum, the powerful laser will create thermal radiation. The photon beam will be directed through the hohlraum and the final collision of the photons will occur, creating electrons and positrons. Additionally, a large amount of gamma radiation will also be released during this process.
In theory in pulsars It is thought that photons collided and therefore matter was formed inside the pulsar. These celestial bodies also frequently emit particles and gamma waves into space.
Research Physical Review Letters’da published.
2023-12-27 08:44:48
#Experiment #Designed #Convert #Light #Matter