Home » News » French Bulldog Chloe Found Dead in Tangerang Restaurant: Allegations of Slaughter

French Bulldog Chloe Found Dead in Tangerang Restaurant: Allegations of Slaughter


Chloethe cute dog belonging to residents in Tangerang, died in one of the restaurants. His condition had been burned with the stomach contents having been removed from the body. Allegations surfaced, he is taken care of!

Dog type french bulldog it’s cute sized. Chloe’s color is brown with typical hanging cheeks bulldog. Chloe is often taken for walks by her owner. He also posed in various places.

On Saturday (23/12), ahead of the 2023 Christmas holiday, Chloe allegedly left her owner’s shophouse in Tangerang, Banten. Chloe was not found when searched. The security guard at the shophouse saw that there was indeed a loose dog.

“Meeting with sub-district security gave information that around 07.00 to 08.00 there was a dog loose, because they were afraid ofhandle the dog, then the security guard and his security friend called people across from the sub-district office and next door to the Lapo restaurant tohandle Chloe,” was the statement from the dog owner shared by Doni Herdaru, Chair of Animal Defenders Indonesia (ADI), which advocated for the case of Chloe’s death, when contacted detikcomTuesday (26/12/2023).

When the restaurant was visited, Chloe was found dead. The restaurant owner also argued that Chloe died because she was entangled in a tree.

“I told the perpetrator that I would take Chloe’s body to be buried, he said, ‘Why like that‘?, finally I answered ‘if you don’t want to, I will take this matter to law’, the perpetrator answered, ‘please take it to the police, and please take the dog’s body’. “Finally Chloe’s body was taken,” said Doni.

When found at the location of the restaurant that Doni calls lapo, Chloe’s carcass was already open, her stomach contents had been removed, Chloe had been burned. Doni suspects this is slaughter.

Next, report to the police on suspicion of dog slaughter:


2023-12-26 14:29:51

#Allegations #Chloe #Cute #Dog #Slaughtered #Ended #Police #Tangerang

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