The Gonzalo Menéndez Pidal Auditorium in El Espinar (Segovia) is already prepared to host a wide variety of music, humor and theater shows within the programming corresponding to the first quarter of the year. One of the highlights of the billboard announced at the Espinariego theater will be on January 13 at 7:30 p.m., when the comedy show by Faemino and Cansado with ’17 Veces will take place. Reloaded’. The show has been a success in ticket sales and has sold out all seats in less than two weeks.
The performance of the Spanish comedy duo will not be the only one that will take place at the Gonzalo Menéndez Pidal. The family play ‘Journey to the Planet of Everything is Possible’, by the Índigo Teatro company, and the musical ‘Blancanieves’, by Candileja Producciones, will offer the Spinariego public two inclusive shows that break with the stereotypes of perfect princesses. In February, and for more romantic profiles, there will be a performance of ‘El amor enamorado’, by Mic Producciones, a work by Lope de Vega starring Teté Delgado.
Marcial Álvarez and Isabel Ordaz stage ‘The Professor’. Pentación Productions
The month of March in El Espinar has a clear gabarrero aroma and, therefore, the annual Gabarreros Concert will take place performed by the El Espinar Music Band. In addition, Women’s Day will also be celebrated on March 8 with the play ‘Victoria comes to dinner’, by Pisando Escenario, where Clara Campoamor and Victoria Kent will try to defend their positions in the face of one of the most important milestones in contemporary Spanish history. : the fight to achieve women’s suffrage. To crown the season, espinariegos and visitors will be able to enjoy the play ‘The Professor’, by Secuencia 3 Producciones, starring Isabel Ordaz and Marcial Álvarez.
Tickets for the shows can now be purchased in person at the El Espinar Town Hall Tourist Office and at the theater box office one hour before the start of the show.
2023-12-25 15:04:33
#Faemino #Cansado #open #season #Espinar #theater