Jakarta –
A man in the United States, Eric Power, was motivated by diet and managed to lose 90 kg because he almost died from diabetes. Her diet journey began in 2019 when she realized there were wounds that would not heal on her feet due to diabetes.
Surgeons had to remove the tissue around the scratch and he needed to be hospitalized for several days. That health scare motivated him to change his life.
“Having this near-death experience was a wake-up call. It was a triggering moment for me. I had a scary moment in my life that set me straight. I wanted to be there for my family,” Eric told TODAY.
Before starting the weight loss program, he had been obese all his life, weighing almost 200 kg. Apart from obesity and diabetes, he also suffers from a number of other health problems, ranging from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, to asthma.
“As someone who has struggled with my weight all my life, I know I have to control my food,” she said.
He finally decided to go on a low-carb, low-calorie diet. Eric limits his food and makes sure he eats enough protein.
He stopped eating bread, pasta, rice, beans and potatoes. He eats berries and avocados, but hasn’t had an apple in years. This man who works as a businessman also does not eat high-carbohydrate vegetables such as corn and carrots.
In early 2020 he added intermittent fasting to his diet plan. Currently he only eats from noon to 8pm, giving his body 16 hours of rest.
“Intermittent fasting not only helped me lose weight, but also helped me control my diabetes,” he explained.
While undergoing a consistent diet program to date, Eric has felt change after change. Some of the significant ones include his blood sugar dropping to around 100 mg/dL, his blood pressure 110/70 without medication.
Apart from that, his kidneys are healthy and he never complains about the asthma attacks he experienced during his obesity.
Watch the video “Here are 6 breakfast menus that will make you full, suitable for dieting”
2023-12-25 09:01:27
#Story #Motivated #Obese #Man #Skinny #Died #Due #Diabetes