During the parties we eat and feast like crazy. Something that our body is usually not used to, and that sometimes makes itself felt. This can cause problems with our intestines. It is therefore important to keep our intestinal bacteria in excellent condition.
Your intestines alone contain a hundred billion bacteria. The types that are in your intestines are different for everyone. But it’s important to know: they have a major influence on your brain anyway. After all, your brain and your intestines constantly communicate with each other, via nerve impulses and hormones circulating in the blood. The vagus nerve plays a key role in this, it is the highway from our intestines to our brain. This also explains why you may have a stomach ache when you are nervous or stressed about your next exam or job interview. Stress slows down the activity of the vagus nerve and causes poorer digestion. With proper breathing, yoga and nutrition you can support the vagus nerve.
Variety is important
Another factor is our intestinal bacteria, with which we better remain good friends. You do this by eating a wide variety of unprocessed foods, but also by eating enough fiber. After all, a balance between good and bad bacteria is important for good digestion and also ensures less inflammation. The more bacterial species, the better, and you get that by eating a varied diet. So put variety at number one on your to-do list. Fruits and vegetables rank second because they are rich in fiber that cannot be digested by the body. By eating these fibers you create two healthy fatty acids, which give our body a lot of energy.
The secret of fiber
Did you know that there are two forms of dietary fiber? Soluble and insoluble. They are both important and each have their own function in your body.
The insoluble (non-fermentable) fibers provide volume and act like a sponge. They stimulate your intestines so that they can do their kneading work. They also absorb a lot of moisture. This is important to prevent constipation and to keep your intestines clean. These fibers are not broken down in your intestines, they leave your body unchanged. Drinking enough water is therefore a must!
“The more bacterial species, the better, and you get that by eating a varied diet”
The soluble (fermentable) fibers are complex sugars that are soluble. They are indispensable, because they provide the nutrition that your healthy intestinal bacteria need. They are broken down in your large intestine and also stimulate your intestinal movement. They are gentler on your intestines and are also called prebiotics (not to be confused with probiotics). These fibers are good for your immune system and ensure that diseases have less chance.
Strengthen your immune system
Your immune system consists of your lymph nodes, your tonsils, your spleen, your bone marrow and your thymus gland. This thymus gland or sweetbread plays a key role in this. It is soft, triangular and lies in front of and just above your heart. It’s behind your sternum, right in the middle.
The thymus therefore plays a major role in your immune system, the white blood cells fight infections. When your thymus is active, you will have a lot of life energy. If it is weak, your vitality will decrease and you will often be ill. Tapping or knocking is a commonly used method to activate your thymus gland. Tapping the thymus with the tips of your fingers will make it stronger.
2023-12-24 01:03:35
#party #worries