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Akaradej Wongpitakroj and Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party Support Equal Marriage Rights for Thais

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23 Dec. 2023 5:08 p.m.

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“Akaradej” reiterates his vote in favor of equal marriage, reflecting his position of “Uniting Thais to Build the Nation” as a modern conservative party. Ready to accept changes to keep up with the modern world. But still maintaining the original good things of the country Responding to the needs of the new generation who have the same idea

On December 23, 2023, Mr. Akaradej Wongpitakroj, Ratchaburi MP and spokesman for the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party (RTA), gave an interview to the House of Representatives. Considering the passing of the draft bill to amend the Civil and Commercial Code (No. ..) B.E. …. (Equal Marriage) that MPs from the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party have raised their hands to support all 4 bills, 1 of the 4 bills. It is the body of government. At this point it shows that Ruam Thai Party builds the nation and is ready to change to keep up with the modern world. To preserve the rights and freedoms of people with diverse sexualities

However, in the past session there was no proposed government draft law for consideration. Resulting in incomplete amendments to the law may result in incomplete rights and freedoms for people with sexual diversity in the law. But when the government proposes amendments to the equal marriage bill, it is the main consideration for consideration along with the drafts of political parties and the private sector. It will make the consideration of all 4 laws complete and complete, preserving the rights of people with diverse sexualities. This ensures that the rights of people with diverse sexualities are fully protected by relevant laws.

“The Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party is a modern conservative party that is ready to change to keep up with the modern world. But still maintaining the original good things of the country But if there is anything that has changed to keep up with the world We are ready to change this, which is the position of the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party. which is a modern conservative party that meets the needs of the new generation who love change to new things But we still preserve the good things that are already good,” said Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party spokesman…

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2023-12-23 10:08:00
#Akaradej #reiterates #NCPO #supports #equal #marriage #reflecting #stance #modern #conservatism

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