Malayalam cricketer Sanju Samson scored his maiden century in ODI cricket and gave India a series win. The Rajasthan Royals skipper enjoys amazing fan support, many times more than what an average Indian player gets. Every time Sanju was denied a chance in the Indian team, the BCCI selectors became the target of outrage from Sanju fans worldwide.
“Sanju now has the support that senior players get”
Indian player Dinesh Karthik has openly admitted that Sanju Samson gets huge fan support which only few superstars get in the Indian team. “Sanju Samson has been in the Indian team for years. He hasn’t been a part of many international tournaments. However, the world talks a lot about him. He has the support of the biggest players. He has the love and affection of a lot of people. He showed the other day why he has this support,” Dinesh Karthik said in an interview to Cricbus.
The Sanju Samson Celebration™️ 🇮🇳💪
— Rajasthan Royals (@rajasthanroyals) December 21, 2023
“He gets a challenging opportunity at number three in the series-deciding third ODI. It’s a very comfortable batting position for him, and a challenge. But Sanju took the pressure and put on a 52-run partnership with KL Rahul. KL Rahul was dismissed by Vian Mulder in the 19th over. “The pressure was on. Samson and Tilak Verma really felt the pressure between 19-35 overs. They didn’t get boundaries at that stage,” Dinesh Karthik added.
Internet was broken. 🔥💗
— Rajasthan Royals (@rajasthanroyals) December 22, 2023
“This century will change his career”
Even those who criticized Sanju for lack of consistency and not being able to score big scores are praising the Malayali player who carried the team to victory in adverse situations. Regular critic Sunil Gavaskar says that he was waiting to see this performance of Sanju. “This century will change his career. He was always here. We all know what he has. We all said look at what he’s got. But look at the performance that hasn’t come out yet. He showed it today. For everyone, for him,” Sunil Gavaskar told Star Sports on the day of the match. Said.
🗣️ ‘The selectors won’t forget Sanju Samson’s 100’
— ESPNcricinfo (@ESPNcricinfo) December 22, 2023
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2023-12-23 09:08:33
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