This December should be particularly magical for Swisscom customers, according to the statement. The subscriptions come with free Disney+ and discounts on smartphones. The lead agency Bühler & Bühler packaged the good news in a direct mailing.
In addition to the promotions, Swisscom’s holiday greetings include a gift set of removable glass markers. Made from appropriate paper to suit the most sustainable telco company in the world. Whether for a family dinner or a New Year’s Eve party: these helpful eye-catchers are intended to delight social gatherings where your own drink is quickly swapped. In this way, Swisscom ensures an overview, something to talk about and the best connection beyond the best network, according to the statement.
“The mailboxes are full again during this time, but the contents are not always substantial. Nobody waits for generic, loveless campaign flyers. “Personal measures with added value and a relevant story attract attention,” says Chief Creative Officer Doris Bühler, explaining the agency’s understanding of dialogue campaigns.
Responsible at Swisscom: Alexander Möckli, Head of Campaigning; Anna Filippova, Interaction Marketing Manager, Stefan Hollinger, Interaction Marketing Manager; responsible at Bühler & Bühler: Vasco Bickel, Art Direction; Doris Bühler, Creative Direction; Sarah Loosman, Design & Concept; Doelkar Monkhar, Consultant; Joséphine Rohrer, text & concept. (pd/wid)
2023-12-22 02:06:05
#Bühler #Bühler #Santa #Claus #hat #rascal #aperitif #glass