To properly start the Fet Kaf festivities, several thousand people came to see Yannick Noah at the Nuits du Piton this December 19. The Caverne des Hirondelles was stormed by the singer’s fans, so much so that some enjoyed the concert in the endless queue. While on the field, the audience who had arrived earlier sang in chorus the classics of Yannick Noah, notably Angela, Mon Eldoradoor To Mt which according to the singer should resonate with the people of Runion. The singer performed for more than an hour and a half in Olympic form, with a beautiful encore of several songs. The bad weather which had reared its ugly head in the South in the afternoon did not play spoilsport for this first evening of the Nuits du Piton. Yesterday evening, the City of Saint-Joseph closed the Nuits du Piton with a beautiful fireworks display, as well as with concerts by Mdrice and Ras Natty Baby.
“I am a tourist welcomed like a Runionnais”
The warm welcome from the Runionnais makes Yannick Noah feel at home here. “I really like the island, I really like nature and it’s true that here I am a tourist welcomed like a Runionnais,” he also declared during the press conference organized by the town hall. of Saint-Joseph the day before. The French’s favorite former tennis player is a long-time regular in our skies. On the town hall’s side, the choice to open the Freedom Day festivities with a concert by Yannick Noah was obvious. Culture representative, Inelda Leveneur describes Yannick Noah as a “committed singer, with texts in which the major issues of society are addressed without taboo”. We want more, obviously.
Emma Hoareau
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2023-12-21 02:06:32
#Yannick #Noah #ignites #Nuits #Piton