20.12.2023 Account (pi). Statement by Bernhard Schmidt, parliamentary group leader of the UWG – Reken, on the 2024 budget.
“Unfortunately, the hope that everything will be better in 2023 did not materialize. No, another cruel war began in the Middle East. The next wave of refugees is coming to Germany and will also reach Reken. The rest ramp in Berlin allows states, districts and communities through their desolate refugee policy alone.
A very special compliment to our administration for dealing with the problems of accommodating and caring for refugees from war and expulsion calmly and quietly.
Thanks also to the many volunteers for their help.
About the household:
The budget is understandable and consistent. Unqualified discharge was granted. However, we would have liked the majority group to be more insightful and willing to compromise on some decisions.
The expansion of premises to accommodate another 9 children was rejected. An expert and lawyer were brought in to prevent this.
But the district decided that everything was legal and could be built.
Another topic of climate protection:
It’s a shame that the majority faction doesn’t have climate protection on their radar. All applications from the opposition, no matter how well-intentioned, were rejected.”
For the UWG Reken, Bernhard Schmidt
2023-12-20 19:01:45
#Speech #UWGs #budget