Home » Entertainment » Raz Degan: Paola Barale’s Discovery in Bed with a Beautiful Woman

Raz Degan: Paola Barale’s Discovery in Bed with a Beautiful Woman

Raz Degan, he discovered in bed with a beautiful woman. That’s why Paola Barale dismissed him.

Even though they haven’t been a couple for many years their love story, decidedly beautiful, peppery and passionate, will still be talked about for a long time. He is the handsome and damned one, a successful model and actor, who he became in no time a star in our country thanks to his famous phrase, “It’s my business.

She is one of the most beloved and sensual showgirls in the vast world of Italian entertainment. Together they were the bombThere’s no point in denying it. Their motorbike trips were followed by many people paparazzi and the general public was very curious to know about their movements. Not for nothing have they both always been great lovers of travel around the world.

And they both possess an infinite love for two wheels. He now lives it to the fullest with the beautiful girl Cindyhis partner for several years, who he officially presented a few days ago to very truein the marvelous living room Silvia Toffani. He claimed that he didn’t talk about it because he wanted to keep her away from the media hype.

Raz Degan, because he was liquidated by Paola Barale

In short, since their bond, as well as the woman herself, believes it something beautiful he didn’t want anything but, especially at the beginning, the chatter and above all the incessant gossip ruined all of that. Now he’s fine, he’s happy and super in love. However, he suffers from the situation that still exists in Israel, his native land, where the father wanted to stay and live.

And this is clearly a source of immense regret and deep concern. Talking about love, but not that of his daughter, but rather for his famous ex Paola Barale, whose end left a classic bitter taste in the mouths of most. Apparently she decided to say goodbye to him because of a bad betrayal. Whoever caught him in bed with.

Raz Degan RomaIT.it

Whoever discovered him in bed with

At the time of filming of Barbarossa which he definitely launched Raz in the Olympus of Cinemahe started a relationship with his beautiful colleague Kasia Smutniakwho was engaged to the late Pietro Taricone. If the former gieffino and then good actor forgave her with whom he remained until her premature death, the same cannot be said of Piedmontese showgirl.

For her a betrayal it is inconceivable. Especially since it seems that he was not the only one who suffered from his partner over time. The two even tried again to mend the relationship but without success. By now she no longer trusted him. In the end it remained a great asset and a nice reminder of what happened between them.

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2023-12-19 13:35:06

#Raz #Degan #liquidated #Paola #Barale #discovered #bed #RomaIT

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