Eventful boarding for Valeria Marini at Palermo Falcone Borsellino International Airport. The showgirl, who was traveling with two large hand bags (perhaps even oversized for the overhead bins of the Ita plane to Rome) and her dog in tow, flew into a rage and demanded from ASC (the company that manages ground services for account of the company Ita) the help of two airport employees. Which were promptly made available to her. Rai journalist Eugenia Nante told it on social media, with this video and a vitriolic post.
In the images you can see Valeria Marina giving directions to the Sicilian airport staff, entrusting them with her suitcases and getting help on the service stairs to get on the plane: one at her side, the other behind with the heavier baggage. At the court of the “stellar diva” (as she calls herself). While the sharp post reads: «Flight Palermo Rome. Valeria Marini embarks. Two bags and the dog. So much for hand luggage. She asks why there is no elevator to carry her bags onto the plane. I swear he asked for it. Elbowing she passes in front of everyone. She shouts where is my driver. The people before her laugh at her then get angry while the airport workers arrive (just for her) to carry her bags and dog up the steps. I stop here. What a shame”.
2023-12-18 22:04:21
#Valeria #Marini #broken #luggage #flight #Palermo #Rome #skips #queue #demands #porters