Home » Health » The Amazing Benefits of Rowan: Nutritionist Elena Syurakshina Discusses its Immune-Boosting Properties

The Amazing Benefits of Rowan: Nutritionist Elena Syurakshina Discusses its Immune-Boosting Properties

Nutritionist Elena Syurakshina spoke about the benefits of rowan, reports the Roskachestvo portal.

During the peak incidence of ARVI and influenza, doctors recommend that people take vitamin C to increase immunity and the body’s ability to resist infection. One of the sources of this component is rowan. It also contains substances that have an antimicrobial effect, so it can reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process in the body.

Rowan is also a source of vitamin E – it is not only considered an antioxidant, but also slows down aging. Iron, which this berry is also rich in, in combination with vitamin C, can prevent anemia.

Rowan helps normalize metabolism. But this berry also has contraindications – for people with weak nerves and stomach diseases, it can cause more harm than good. Therefore, you still shouldn’t get carried away with it.

Previously it was reported what simple actions will help maintain dental health.

2023-12-18 09:43:08

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