Home » Health » 6 Workplace Habits That Could Be Symptoms of ADHD in Adults

6 Workplace Habits That Could Be Symptoms of ADHD in Adults

CNN Indonesia

Monday, 18 Dec 2023 17:15 IWST

Illustration. There are several workplace habits that could be symptoms of ADHD in adults. (iStock/valentinrussanov)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or ADHD often persists into adulthood without treatment. There are many symptoms of ADHD that the sufferer or those around them often don’t realize.

Many adults with ADHD have career successful one. But on the other hand, this condition can also create challenges at work.

Although symptoms vary, people with ADHD can have characteristics such as impulsivity, hyperactivity, and inattention.

For this reason, you need to know the habits at work that can indicate symptoms of ADHD. Here are some of them, as reported Huffington Post.

1. Tends to be a perfectionist

Psychologist Dede O’Shea said, there is an overlap between people with ADHD and employees who have perfectionist tendencies.

He said ADHD affects the part of the brain that controls how a person directs attention. In people with ADHD, this control function does not work well.

“So they can’t focus on what needs to be done. It’s a constant back and forth between all the different ideas. And sometimes, perfectionism can emerge as a way of trying to cope,” O’Shea said.

That’s where problems can arise, because they can never get to the point where everything feels perfect enough to actually start.

Illustration. People with ADHD tend to often procrastinate work. (iStock/PeopleImages)

The tendency to postpone things is one of the common symptoms of ADHD in adults. This is usually caused by their inability to arrange tasks in a timely manner.

For employees with ADHD, the inability to meet deadlines is often caused by anxiety.

3. Often late

People with ADHD can have difficulty arriving on time, both for meetings and work.

O’Shea said, although many employees are often late, people with ADHD experience a condition known as ‘time blindness’. This condition makes it difficult for them to estimate how much time it will take to arrive at a place.

“For example, they are supposed to be at work at 9 am. So, all they think about is 9 am. And that’s when they usually just leave the house, because all they think about is 9 am,” said O Shea gave an example.

4. Messed up because of work stress

The brain’s prefrontal cortex is responsible for controlling attention and emotional responses. In people with ADHD, this area is underdeveloped.

When stress occurs, continued O’Shea, employees with ADHD can respond so extraordinary that they are unable to control themselves.

“Some people feel empty or some people explode and become very emotional and irritable,” explains O’Shea.

In other words, employees with ADHD can overreact when there are new tasks or certain changes that trigger work-related stress.

5. Sending the wrong email

Illustration. People with ADHD cannot maintain focus for long periods of time. (janeb13/Pixabay)

The executive function of the brain helps a person stay organized. In people with ADHD, this function can be disrupted. This condition makes it difficult for them to focus and has a tendency to do everything in a hurry.

“It’s hard for their brains [pengidap ADHD] to stay stimulated long enough and actually do a task like reading an email or looking at a document,” O’Shea said.

6. Often brainstorms but finds it difficult to make it happen

Basically, people with ADHD are creative individuals. They are able to solve problems in creative ways.

“In the workplace, people with ADHD are known as great creative thinkers, very enthusiastic. People who are really needed in work teams,” said O’Shea.

However, disturbances in executive function make it difficult for them to realize these creative solutions.


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2023-12-18 10:15:33
#Work #Habits #Office #Symptoms #ADHD

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