Superintendent Ryu Sam-young is heading to the National Police Agency to submit his resignation on July 31st. Superintendent Ryu was suspended for three months for leading a group action against the establishment of a police department within the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, and submitted a letter of resignation when he was promoted to police officer level, a lower rank in police personnel./News 1
The Democratic Party of Korea announced Ryu Sam-young (59), former chief of Ulsan Central Police Station, as its third recruit to run in next year’s general election. Former Superintendent Ryu is the person who led the police group’s opposition to the current government’s establishment of a new police department within the Ministry of Public Administration and Security.
On this day, the Democratic Party announced former Superintendent Ryu as the third talent recruit, saying, “He is an expert in the investigation and criminal field who has been in the police for 35 years and is evaluated as a representative ‘investigative expert’ within the organization.” The Democratic Party said, “More than anything, former Superintendent Ryu received public attention for gathering voices to protect the police against the Yoon Seok-yeol government’s control of the police,” adding, “The Yoon Seok-yeol government announced the establishment of a new police department two months after taking office, asserting the political neutrality of the police.” When this was in danger of being damaged, he, who was the chief of the Ulsan Central Police Station at the time, led the convening of the unprecedented national meeting of police chiefs.”
Former Superintendent Ryu was suspended for three months last July after leading a national meeting of police chiefs opposing the establishment of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security’s police department. He was criticized for leading the police mass action because he was dissatisfied with government policy. At the time, former Superintendent Ryu and others disobeyed the command’s order to disperse, leading to the saying, “The situation is equivalent to a coup d’état.” Ryu was transferred to the position of head of the situation team at the 112 Comprehensive Security Situation Room of the Gyeongnam Police Agency, a position one level lower in police personnel in July of this year. He resigned after being effectively demoted.
At the talent recruitment ceremony held this morning, CEO Lee Jae-myung said, “The word that comes to mind when I see former Superintendent Ryu is ‘courage.’” Former Superintendent Ryu described it as ‘courage’ for standing up to the current government’s policies as a current police officer. Representative Lee said, “During this administration, there was an attempt to take over the police to separate the police from the people and place them on the side of power. The central figure who resisted that attempt was former Superintendent Ryu.”
Former Superintendent Ryu said, “They say the police have no eyes on the investigation. “This means that when conducting an investigation, it must be done fairly without judging your side,” he said. “If you retaliate with the right to investigate, you are a gangster.” He continued, “However, many people are concerned when looking at the prosecution’s investigation behavior today,” adding, “Depending on the side of the person being investigated, the investigation is carried out like an Indian prayer offering, with a ruthless microscope-style investigation and a duster-type search and seizure.” Former Superintendent Ryu said, “I came here to protect the police from the unjust regime, transform them into a people’s police force, and fight to restore democracy in our country.”
When asked in which region he would run, former Superintendent Ryu only said, “I am not ready to answer specific questions yet,” and “I think it will be carried out in consultation with the party.”
Former Superintendent Ryu has actually begun his political career, such as announcing a book launch event after his resignation. In response to a related question, former Superintendent Ryu said, “There will be a book concert in Gwangju on December 29th, and a fan signing event in Daejeon the following week,” and “There will be a book concert in Seoul in January. “It is an existing schedule regardless of recruitment,” he said.
The Democratic Party previously announced Park Ji-hye, a lawyer who was active in an environmental group, as its first talent recruit, and Lee Jae-seong, an IT expert and former NCSoft executive director, as its second recruit.
2023-12-18 02:15:00
#3rd #Democratic #Talent #Recruitment #Superintendent #Ryu #Samyoung #led #police #group #action