The lawyer Martin Ansbacher has won the runoff election for the office of mayor in Ulm. “It is a historic result,” he said in Ulm. According to the preliminary election results on Sunday evening, Ansbacher (SPD) prevailed against the incumbent Gunter Czisch (CDU) with 55.11 percent of the votes, the city announced. Czisch received 44.89 percent of the vote in the runoff election. According to city information, voter turnout was 38.38 percent.
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“He did not expect a result of this clarity,” said Ansbacher when the preliminary election results were announced. He has been a member of the Ulm municipal council since 2014 and has been district chairman of the SPD Ulm since 2019. “The next few years won’t be a walk in the park,” he said. But he’s looking forward to it.
“The result speaks for itself,” said Gunter Czisch on Sunday evening. He suspects that numerous voters who voted for Green Party state chairwoman Lena Schwelling in the election two weeks ago now voted for Ansbacher.
The runoff election was necessary because no candidate achieved an absolute majority in the election on December 3rd. According to its own information, the Tübingen regional council is currently examining an applicant’s objection to the election two weeks ago. The independent candidate Daniel Langhans says he doubts that his share of the vote is actually 2.62 percent.
© dpa-infocom, dpa:231217-99-330888/2
The lawyer Martin Ansbacher has won the runoff election for the office of mayor in Ulm. “It is a historic result,” he said in Ulm. According to the preliminary election results on Sunday evening, Ansbacher (SPD) prevailed against the incumbent Gunter Czisch (CDU) with 55.11 percent of the votes, the city announced. Czisch received 44.89 percent of the vote in the runoff election. According to city information, voter turnout was 38.38 percent.
“He did not expect a result of this clarity,” said Ansbacher when the preliminary election results were announced. He has been a member of the Ulm municipal council since 2014 and has been district chairman of the SPD Ulm since 2019. “The next few years won’t be a walk in the park,” he said. But he’s looking forward to it.
2023-12-17 19:12:17
#Local #elections #Martin #Ansbacher #mayor #Ulm