When a person eats healthy, exercises constantly, and the number of kilograms on the scale continues to increase, the cause may be an illness.
“Obesity, a worldwide public health problem, with increasing incidence, is associated with excessive eating and lack of physical activity. If a person regularly consumes high-calorie foods and does not burn the excess through physical activity, he/she is faced with overweight and then with obesity, a condition frequently encountered not only among adults, but also among children.
There are many risk factors that increase the likelihood of obesity, unfortunately not all of them can be changed. Knowing the risk is important, so that the person in question can take measures to reach a normal weight, so that a series of diseases such as cardiovascular, diabetes, joint diseases can be prevented.
Among the risk factors we mention: prenatal factors, family habits, certain medications, leptin resistance, lack of good quality sleep and stress.
Obesity can be combated by adopting a healthy lifestyle, with a diet with an adequate number of calories and practicing physical exercise, even walking. Stress management (avoiding situations where you know you might be tempted to overeat, compulsively), getting quality sleep (dinner at least 2-3 hours before bedtime), avoiding foods and drinks with caffeine after 3:00 p.m., avoiding alcohol before going to bed, reading a book, avoiding staring at screens for at least an hour before going to bed), observing a dietary discipline, with meals taken at regular intervals, in a quiet atmosphere, eating slowly, without being distracted by other activities that require attention (computer, telephone, TV)”, explains Dr. Raluca Oprea, primary care physician, primary care physician gastroenterology, doctor of medical sciences.
Diseases that promote weight gain
Totally unexplained weight gain can be associated with some health problems.
Dr. Raluca Oprea lists the conditions that can contribute to excessive weight gain:
– Hypothyroidism, a disease that can be detected following routine endocrinological checks, occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones.
– Depression: people with mood disorders can have higher levels of plasma cortisol, which can cause the deposition of abdominal fat;
– Insomnia: lack of sleep can cause the body to produce excess cortisol and insulin, generating an uncontrolled increase in appetite;
– Cushing’s disease: the adrenal glands produce a large amount of stress hormones.
– Polycystic ovary syndrome is caused by too much male androgen hormone. This hormonal disorder can affect or even inhibit fertility and cause a number of other health problems, including excess facial and body hair and unexplained weight gain.
Other causes
Administration of some drugs: steroid hormones, contraceptives, antipsychotics, antidepressants, antiepileptics.
Menopause: Decreased estrogen secretion can contribute to abdominal obesity.
See also: The novel way in which depression can be treated. Does not include medication!
2023-12-17 05:02:32
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