YOGYAKARTA – In modern medicine, colonoscopy and endoscopy examinations are often used to diagnose various health problems in the digestive tract. These two examination procedures both involve inserting a flexible tube with a camera and light at the end into the body. So, what is the difference between colonoscopy and endoscopy? Check out the complete information below.
Difference between colonoscopy and endoscopy
1. Definition
Colonoscopy is a medical procedure used to examine the colon and rectum. This procedure can also be used to detect colon cancer early.
Meanwhile, endoscopy is an examination procedure carried out by inserting a long, thin tube equipped with a camera at the end of the tube into the body, quoted from Have you?.
Endoscopic examination aims to observe organs or tissues in the body in detail, especially the upper part of the digestive tract. With an endoscopy, doctors can detect a variety of gastrointestinal problems, including ulcers, inflammation, and abnormal growths.
2. Tools
The tool used for a colonoscopy examination is called a colonoscope, which is a long, flexible tube with a video camera at the end.
Meanwhile, an endoscopic examination is carried out with a special tool called an endoscope, which is a tube-shaped tool equipped with a flashlight and camera at the end.
3. Procedure
The colonoscopy examination procedure is carried out by inserting a colonoscope tube equipped with a camera into the anus or rectum and pushing it up to the large intestine.
At the same time, air will be pumped through the colonoscope tube so that the intestine expands and the intestinal wall can be seen clearly on the monitor.
Once the tip of the colonoscope reaches the opening of the small intestine, the doctor will slowly pull the tube out while examining the large intestine once again.
Meanwhile, in an endoscopic procedure, the endoscope tube is inserted through the mouth and into the esophagus or through a specially made incision in the skin. Before the endoscopy is performed, the patient will be given an anesthetic. The anesthesia given can be local anesthesia or general anesthesia, depending on the type of endoscopy the patient will undergo.
The camera installed at the end of the endoscope tube will send images to the monitor layer so that the doctor can see the condition of the body organs being examined.
4. Function
In general, a colonoscopy examination performed via the rectum functions:
- Early detection of colon cancer: Colonoscopy is the most accurate method for detecting colon cancer in its early stages.
- Polyp removal: During the colonoscopy examination process, the doctor can remove polyps found in the large intestine. Polyps are benign growths on the wall of the large intestine that can potentially become cancer.
- Monitor intestinal condition: For someone who has a history of intestinal disease such as ulcerative colitis, a colonoscopy examination is useful for monitoring changes in condition, checking for inflammation, and evaluating the response to inflammation.
Meanwhile, endoscopic examination has several functions as follows:
- Check the symptoms experienced by the patient: Endoscopy is a very useful method for examining the symptoms experienced by patients. For example, an endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract can be used to determine the cause of symptoms of nausea, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.
- Disease diagnosis: If the cause of the patient’s complaint is known, the doctor will take tissue samples from the problematic body organ with small forceps on the endoscope. The sample will be examined further to determine the possibility of disease.
- Overcoming disease: Examples of disease treatments that can be treated with endoscopy are laser therapy or microwave ablation to destroy cancer cells.
- Early detection of cancer: Endoscopic examination can also be used to detect cancer early.
This is information about the difference between endoscopy and colonoscopy. Hopefully this article can broaden the insight of loyal readers VOI.ID.
Tag: health, knowledge, miscellaneous
2023-12-16 19:20:00
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