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The Fragile World: Biden’s Dilemma, Chaos, and Global Unrest

Henry Kissinger justified his policies by repeating the words of the German poet Goethe: “A little injustice is better than a great chaos.” This fragile world may not be in a major war today, but it is certainly in a frightening chaos that resembles wars in terms of destruction, expansion, fear of expansion in patches, and extension of time.

It is neither surprising nor new that we are falling into this chaos on the ever-hot equator. What is surprising is that US President Joe Biden falls into the trap of legal prosecution, which may lead to his isolation, or rather his sentencing.

Biden fell into this dilemma while fighting two almost direct wars: Ukraine and Gaza. In both cases, he is in big trouble. On the one hand, Ukraine exhausted him, so he began to retreat, and on the other hand, he was exhausted by the Israeli barbarism in Gaza, and he is trying to retreat as well. But the impact of the two retreats will be bitter for him in his election campaign internally, in addition to the damage to America’s reputation abroad due to its twinning with Israel in the Gaza war.

On the other hand, he “bullies” his opponents in Russia and China and their axis with Iran, which plays on the front lines extending from southern Lebanon to the missile platform in Saada. The Houthi missile skirmishes with the American fleets seem like a comedy, but they are not. Iranian power is not equal in confrontation, but it is capable of “disruption,” as it has done so far, by exploiting the fronts without igniting them. And to be satisfied with intimidation, as in the warning of its foreign minister to the Americans that the explosion might get out of control.

On the other hand, a disagreement or disagreement appears for the first time in the American-Israeli axis. Biden says that Israel has lost international support in the war on Gaza, and the Israeli Foreign Minister announces that it is continuing the war, with or without international support. Open wars and conflicts, dead ends, and overwhelming political impotence.

Irregular states benefit from the state of paralysis and vacuum, and their “revolution” offers an alternative or partner. Tehran now talks about the waters of the Gulf, as well as the mainland of the East, as if they were its backyard, while Israel is destroying the lives and future of people, and destroying their lives, their lives, and their livelihoods.

The siege on natural forces and construction countries intensifies, and the stages of stability and planning are snatched away from them. The number of miserable people and those without livelihoods and livelihoods increases every day. It destroys and despises human standards. The weak becomes weaker in the face of the rage of arrogance, false claims, and immorality.

Yesterday, the New York Stock Exchange rose to the highest number in its history. Weapons are a thriving business, and death is an auction without borders. So Goethe preferred a little injustice to all this.

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